As I backed out of the garage the other morning, the car was enveloped by fog. My youngest daughter began to chatter about her 2nd grade teacher telling about climbing a mountain and seeing over the fog. My littlest one proceeded to tell me that we were under a “blanket of fog.” We talked quickly about the many times we have been in airplanes and soared above all the clouds and seen that no matter how dreary it looks on the ground, with a little height we see that it is perfectly sunny and bright. She smiled as she got out of the car and told me to remember that it is always a sunny day.
I loved our conversation and it had me thinking about the fog and clouds. One of the definitions found in Merriam Webster Unabridged for fog says: “a state of mental confusion, uncertainty, or obscurity”. I love the certainty with which my little one reminded me “it is always a sunny day”. I love the clarity she expressed. She had witnessed the proof of “sunny day” numerous times as the planes we were on soared above the clouds. We were afforded a different perspective as we climbed.
Aren’t life’s challenges loneliness, anger, lack, fear, (endless list of negatives) just like that blanket of fog sometimes. That blanket makes everything look out of focus, dreary, depressing, but we have the engine necessary to rise above the fog, throw off the blanket . . . it is the Christ. This engine of good thoughts expressed lifts us above the blanket of loneliness, lack, fear. Expressing the Christ – the activity of God, is proving “I and my father are one.”(John 10:30 KJV) When we are expressing the qualities that Christ Jesus exemplified, we are understanding and putting into practice the Bible’s timeless message. “You realize, don’t you, that you are the temple of God, and God himself is present in you? No one will get by with vandalizing God’s temple, you can be sure of that. God’s temple is sacred-and you, remember, are the temple.” (1Cor3:16,17 The Message) So let’s throw off the mental blanket of fog or negative impositions on our thought by recognizing the sunny day that is always present and doing good for all. What a different perspective we’ll have as we rise above the fog and clouds.
Have a fog free day!